. Indian Camp Plantation “Woodllawn”, Iberville Parish, Louisiana
This property is known as Indian Camp Plantation and was an agglomeration of small Acadian homesteads bought by General Robert Camp. The name Indian Camp is thought to have double reference: the site once held a Houma village, and the house remained in the Camp family until the latter part of the nineteenth century. In 1859 he hired the famed New Orleans architect Henry Howard to design the raised brick Italianate mansion.
Camp lost his property for the final time in 1874, and Indian Camp became a tenant farm under absentee ownership. It was abandoned and in disrepair in the late nineteenth century, when a neighbor informed the board of control for the Louisiana Leper Home in New Orleans that the property could be leased. The first paitents-5 men and 2 women- were dispatched here from New Orleans in November 1894. Because neither steamboats nor trains would accept them as passengers, they were sent by coal barge at night. They were housed in the former slave cabins, which were, according to contemporary reports, in better condition than the main house. Two rooms in the main house were used for administrative offices. Now part of the Gillis W. Long Center.
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